What we eat can play a critical role in determining our health, whatever our age.
The eating patterns established in the first few years of life influence our health during childhood and adulthood. Staff in the nursery have a key role to play in introducing children to a wide variety of foods and establishing a pattern of regular meals and healthy snacks.

At Sawston Nursery, mealtimes are nutritious as well as delicious, providing fresh balanced meals for children during the nursery sessions.
Our cook and her assistants take great pride in the preparation of the food onsite and have a wealth of experience providing a variety of meals to accommodate children’s dietary requirements across the nursery.
Our menus are created by our cook and have a 3-week rolling programme for each term in the academic year. The aim is to use locally sourced produce such as meat from the local butchers, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk from the local dairy.
These menus are adapted to incorporate celebrations and festivals that take place in the nursery such as Chinese New Year, Christmas, Pancake Day and more.
Our kitchen holds a five star inspection rating (highest score) given by the Environmental Health Office employed by the Council. Our inspections are carried our regularly to ensure the best possible food and hygiene systems are in place.
All the staff at Sawston Nursery are trained in Food Hygiene to ensure safe preparation and handling of all food for children.

Sawston Nursery was awarded the Soil association (Food for Life) early years award for eating, cooking and growing fresh healthy food in November 2018.
If you would like to view, our menus see below:
We now have three menus that we rotate through the term.
Our current menus:
Here are some example recipes of the great food produced by our in-house chef:
Cheddar Scones
Apricot Banana Oat Muffins
Sausage Cassarole
Yorkshire Pudding